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  • Development of Japanese Gateway Module for Cadillac CUE 2.5 (10.2¡¯ display)
  • Development of Navigation System for Ford vehicles with SYNC3
  • Development of Universal Gateway Module for Audi/VW vehicles
  • Development of Navigation Module with embedded Smartphone mirroring(HDMI cable & wireless type) and driving camera
  • Development of Japanese Gateway Module for CUE 2.5
  • Development of Indian Navigation System for MyFordTouch
  • Development of Gateway Module with embedded Smartphone mirroring (HDMI cable type)
  • KITA (Korea International Trade Association) Recognition for outstanding achievement in international trade
  • Development of Japanese Gateway Module for Cadillac CUE system
  • Development of OE Navigation with diagnostic feature
  • Development of Japanese Gateway module for MyFordTouch
  • Supplier Agreement with Volvo for supply of Next Generation LIN System Navigation
  • Supplier Agreement with Jaguar Land Rover for supply of OE Navigation System
  • Engineering Agreement for Development of Ford¡¯s Next Generation OE Navigation System
  • Supplier Agreement with Jaguar Land Rover India for supply of navigation system
  • Supplier Agreement with Ford for supply of My Ford/Lincoln Touch navigation system
  • Supplier Agreement with Jaguar Land Rover for supply of ¡°Dead-Reckoning¡± navigation system
  • Engineering Agreement with Volvo Cars for new ¡°ASIA NAVIGATION¡±
  • Supplier Agreement with Jaguar Land Rover for supply of navigation system
  • Listed as Tier 1 supplier to Jaguar Land Rover
  • Supply of GCC navigation systems to Ford
  • Engineering Agreement with Jaguar Land Rover for Asia Navigation
  • Market entry into North America and Western Europe
  • Recognized by SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration) as Class A INNO-BIZ company
  • Relocation to a new AUTOSTRASSE building (7 story, 31,313 sq ft) at 1231-24 Gaepo-dong Gangnag-gu Seoul
  • Fiscal Year 2008 reported healthy financial structure (Total Asset at KRW 450 million, Equity at KRW 300 million and Dept ratio of 50%).
  • Exclusive Supplier Agreement with Ford Korea for Supply of Navigation Audio Video systems.
  • Exclusive Supplier Agreement with SK Networks for Supply of Navigation Audio Video systems.
  • Exclusive Supplier Agreement with Hyundai Digital Tech for Supply of Navigation Audio Video systems.
  • Engineering Agreement with Japan ITC Corp.
  • Patent for Vehicle Monitoring System using a camera (Patent 10-0870249)
  • Exclusive Supplier Agreement with Volkswagen Korea for Supply of Navigation Audio Video systems.
  • Exclusive Supplier Agreement with Peugeot Korea for Supply of Navigation Audio Video systems.
  • Exclusive Supplier Agreement with Porsche Korea for Supply of Navigation Audio Video systems.
  • Exclusive Supplier Agreement with Volvo Korea for Supply of Navigation Audio Video systems.
  • Exclusive Supplier Agreement with GM Korea for Supply of Navigation Audio Video systems.
  • Exclusive Supplier Agreement with Audi Korea for Supply of Navigation Audio Video systems.
  • Engineering Agreement with Audi AG for Joint Development of Navigation system and Audio Video Navigation system
  • AUTOSTRASSE R&D division established (certified by KOITA)
  • Exclusive supplier agreement with Jaguar Land Rover Korea for supply of navigation/AV system.
  • Patent for LVDS type AV Gateway Module system (Patent 10-0617562)
  • Patent for Gateway Module System designed to operate external devices using automotive AV connectors(Patent 0538006)
  • Incorporation of AUTOSTRASSE
  • Business Innovation Award from Korea Quality Certification

06307 222, Gaepo-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea / Tel. +82-2-1577-1301 / Fax. +82-2-577-1320 ¨Ï 2016 Autostrasse. All Rights Reserved.